Matthew 6:25-34
Proverbs 12:25- “an anxious heart weighs a man down”
Worry is a sin.
There is a difference between worry and alarm.
There is a difference between worry and concern.
1. Worry is a sign of ingratitude. (25)
We don't acknowledge all God has done to take care of us and provide for us.
2. Worry is a sign of irresponsibility. (27)
If there is something you can do about a situation, take responsibility to do it, and then leave the rest to the Lord.
3. Worry is a sign of irreverence. (28-30)
If you spend your time worrying about things, you are saying, “This is a situation over which God has no control.”
4. Overcoming worry is a matter of faith. (31-34)
I Peter 5:7 God has promised to take care of us. It is our job to let Him.
Philippians 4:6-7
When you worry about things that are out of your control, you are lacking the faith that God can take care
of those things.