Exodus 20:8-11; Hebrews 10:25
First myth about Sundays:
Sunday is the same thing as the Old Testament Sabbath.
Second myth:
Sunday is just like any other day.
Sabbath is more than a law to be followed.
It is a principle.
Principle #1: Don't work every day.
a. you are showing that you trust in the provision of God.
b. you are showing that you trust in His promises. (Hebrews 4:1-11)
Principle #2: Exalt God to His rightful place.
Go to church because God deserves that place and time in your life.
Principle #3: Quit the rat race of life for a day.
The principle of Sabbath helps us strike a healthy balance between work and rest.
It helps us gain the right perspective and have the right priorities.