Haggai 1:7-9
Their new rival was an intermingling of former Assyrians and Israelites which created a new race of people called Samaritans.
The Jews put their own homes and farms ahead of the house of the Lord.
Instead of worrying about our rights, we should be worried about our souls.
Haggai speaks 4 times to the people
1. 1st day of 6th month- a word of rebuke (1:2-8)
There was a connection between their spiritual failure and their economic failure.
God first, yourself next = better life
2. 21st day of next month- a word of encouragement (2:4-5)
“keep up the good work.”
God is cheering us on and is true to His part of His covenant with us.
3. 24th day of the 9th month – a word of reminder (2:11-15)
What went on inside their hearts was more important than what went on inside the building.
4. Later that same day – a word of anticipation (2:20-23)
There is coming a day when earthly kingdoms will be overthrown and replaced by a messianic kingdom.
We will no longer have a poor imitation, but the real thing.