Luke 1:46-55
(magnify the Lord)
The only way to make His name greater is to proclaim that greatness.
a. this song came after Mary had visited Elizabeth. There is no greater joy than when spiritual things are shared by fellow believers.
b. Mary knew her Scriptures!
1. Hannah (46-49)
2. Psalms (50-54)
3. Abraham (55)
c. Mary's utter humility. Mary had a recognition of her own need of salvation.
2. The Benedictus (Luke 1:68-79)
(Blessed be the Lord)
a. Zechariah's reason to sing was to proclaim God's plan of redemption through Jesus. (68)
b. Old Testament fulfillment
- family of David (69)
- horn of salvation from our enemies (71)
- oath to Abraham (73)
3. the Nunc Dimitis (Luke 2:29-33)
(now dismiss)
Encountering Jesus means that the meaning of death suddenly changes.
It also means that the meaning of life on earth also changes.