John 3:16-21
Eternal life does not refer to the immortality of the soul.
If you are a Christian, you have already entered eternal life.
1. The source of eternal life is Jesus Christ.
To Nicodemus- “you must be born again. (3:3-7)
To Thomas - “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”(14:6)
To the expert in the law, He directed him to the law. (Luke 10:25-29)
To the rich young ruler, He directed him to his riches. (Luke 18:20-23)
The law shines the light on ourselves, so we see the only source for eternal life has to come from outside ourselves. (3:19-21)
2. The nature of eternal life is not something that is physical, but rather something that is spiritual. (John 17:1-3)
This is eternal life, to know God through Jesus Christ. (I John 5:11-12)
3. The result of eternal life is that we are immune from condemnation. (3:17-18)
Our salvation means that we have passed from death to life. (John 5:24)
If we can grasp this truth, the the lives we lead while on this earth will be radically different. (Romans 8:1)