Amos 8:11-12
1. Two businesses: rancher and grower of sycamore fruit (7:14-15)
2. lived in the southern kingdom of Judah, called to preach to the northern kingdom of Israel.
3. He was not only a layman, but a foreigner.
The Historical Setting
760-750 B.C. The northern kingdom was at its peak.
exploitation and oppression of the common people
gradual elimination of the middle class
the courts became corrupt
The Message
Amos is often called the prophet of social justice.
Amos promises that there will be judgment for their immorality. (5:10-17; 2:6-8; 4:1-2)
God's morality is not relative.
God never overlooks sin.
God expects His people to be more sensitive to what is wrong in the world.
Famine of hearing- if we don't heed God's Word, it is only a matter of time before we no longer hear it. (8:11-12)
There will be a day of justice (5:18-24)
Morality is doing what the Word of God tells us to do.