II Kings 5:1-10
1. Unclean and hopeless
2. separated from fellowship
3. incurable by any human means
4. Eventually lead to his death
Difference maker- an unnamed hero of faith
Naaman's mistakes (and often ours)
1. He went to the wrong person
He assumed he would need to go through people of political influence.
(We deny that the root of our problem may be a spiritual problem.)
2. He came with the wrong offering.
He wanted to pay his own way.
(Our offering is to be an extension of our trust.)
3. We went with the wrong idea.
He thought his own rivers were better than the Jordan.
(Many people won't come to the Lord unless it is on their terms, on their own turf, according to their own
Naaman's conclusion (and ours)
“I know there is no other God...”
( “I know whom I have believed.”)