Habakkuk 1:2-3
The book of Habakkuk reveals to us that it's OK to ask God “Why.”
Doubts are a natural response for the thinking person.
We need to be careful how we ask those questions and handle those doubts.
2. God gave him an answer. (1:5-11)
The Babylonians are going to destroy Jerusalem.
Habakkuk again asks, “why?”
Never does he doubt God Himself. (12-13)
3. Habakkuk's conclusion- God's will must be done. (2:1)
God will choose to use evil for His good.
At the same time, God will not allow evil to go unpunished.
The Christian life
1. It is a struggle.
2. Doubts are a tool of the devil to try to get us to rule God out of the picture.
3. It is not something that is lived event to event.
Habakkuk 2:4- “ the righteous by faith shall live” or "the righteous shall live by faith.”
What God wants from us: to trust that He has the answers and that He is the One we should ask.