Numbers 17:1-8
1. Wandering in a place that is not our home.
2. Learning to obey and apply God's commandments.
3. Preparing for and entrance into a promised place.
Aaron's rod marked the beginning of the Priesthood.
The Ark of the Covenant represented the Presence of God.
Jesus is the “rod”
1. Isaiah- “rod from the stem of Jesse”
2. Zechariah – the “Branch” - the offshoot of David
3. priest- His name superseded the name of Levi
I Timothy 2:5 - “one Mediator between God and man”
4. resurrection- the budded branch- Jesus is alive!!
Other uses of “the rod” fulfilled by Christ
1. chastisement- Jesus was punished for our sin.
2. Shepherd’s staff_- Jesus is the Good Shepherd
3. authority- the kings' scepter
4. reminder of sin and need for His love and salvation.