Titus 3:3-8
He loves us in spite of who and what we are.
2. Amazed by God's grace (5a)
Why it is impossible for us to earn our way to heaven
a. Jesus has already paid the price for our redemption and forgiveness.
b. There is nothing we can offer God that He actually needs.
3. Amazed by God's mercy (5b)
Grace is when you get something good that you don't deserve.
Mercy is when you don't get something bad that you do deserve.
4. Amazed by God's gift (5c-6)
Two aspects of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
a. the washing of rebirth
b. we are now equipped to live brand new lives
5. Amazed by God's salvation(7-8)
We are given the rights of being an heir.
The good things we do now become excellent and profitable.