130915_-_an_appetite_for_obedience.mp3 |
I Peter 2:1-3; 9-10
1. Reading the Bible (1:24-25)
When we read the Bible, we become changed by its influence IF we read it with a heart that is willing to be taught.
2. Declaring God's praise (vs. 9)
a. Tell it to God- you strengthen the connection in your relationship to Him
b. Tell it to others- Sharing your faith is much more effective when you emphasize how good God is, rather than how bad they are.
3. Identifying with God's people (9-10)
God's people play a crucial role in society.
We recognize that we belong to a people precious to God, a people with a vital mission.
4. Avoid sinful situations (2:11)
Certain things in life spoil your appetite for obedience.
If you do them, you are not going to be responsive to the Spirit's leading in your life.