Exodus 20:3-6
The God of Abraham is not contained in any form.
False images of God
1. Super- Parent
2. Kindly old grandfather
3. god of the wet blanket
4. Spiteful Santa Claus
True images of God
1. God has a wholesome jealousy. (vs. 5)
2. Look in the mirror. (Gen. 1:27)
3. Person of Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:1-3)
You don't have to remove God from your life to make for yourself an idol.
What is your first love?
You could take the word “for” out of verse 4 and still not be too far off.
Punishment to the third and fourth generation is the natural result of raising a family without putting God first.
Happiness is not a god worthy of our devotion.