Romans 4:4-8
Adam and Eve realized that in order to be in God's presence, there had to be a covering.
As well as a covering, atonement can be looked at as a protection.
The sacrifice for sins (Old and New Testament) protects those who believe from the judgment of God.
Jesus not only became our high priest, but He also became the sacrifice.
He had to be sinless.
He had to be divine
He had to be human.
Aspects of Atonement
1. Justification (Romans 4:4-8)
Jesus takes the punishment, so that you can go free.
2. Redemption (I Corinthians 6:20; Titus 2:14)
We've sold ourselves to sin.
God offers to buy us back.
3. Ransom (I Timothy 2:5-6)
We have been held captive by the hold sin has on us.
Jesus was willing to pay whatever ransom was necessary.
That price was His very life.
“What Abraham was asked to do, He's done. He's
offered His only Son.”