Psalms 31:1-5
When we are under attack, we sometimes base our beliefs on what appears to be true, rather than on the reality of the promises of God's Word.
You may not be able to change your feelings, but you don't have to trust them.
2. Don't Be Controlled By What Other People Think. (31:11-13)
If you start worrying about what everyone else is thinking or doing, you'll have a hard time focusing on the
solution to your problem.
David began by turning himself over to God.
3. Run Straight into the Arms of God. (31:9-10)
David knew God's love was bigger than any mistake he would ever make.
a. Ask God for help. (2)
b. Give everything you have to God. (5)
c. Let God lead you. (3)
Stop focusing on the trap and start looking to God.