Ephesians 5:15-21
a. to live with a purpose is to live carefully. (15)
Don't worry about tomorrow, but that doesn't mean not to have a purpose for tomorrow.
b. to live with a purpose is to make the most of every opportunity. (16)
Satan wants to steal our time.
c. to live with a purpose is to understand the will of the Lord (17)
If we are not daily learning from God's Word, we are not living in wisdom.
2. To live in wisdom is to be filled with the Spirit.
a. What does it mean?
- to be “under the influence” of the Spirit of God.
- Not getting more of the Spirit, but letting the Spirit have more of you.
- The Spirit-Filled believer loves worship. (19)
- The Spirit-Filled believer gives thanks. (20)
- The Spirit-Filled believer submits to others. (21)