Matthew 28:1-15
1. Swoon Theory- Jesus never really died on the cross.
2. Fraud Theory – Jesus' disciples stole the body and fabricated the story.
3. Hallucination Theory – Those who claimed to see the risen Lord only imagined it.
4. Spirit Theory – Jesus did rise from the dead, but only in spirit form.
Myths that the true resurrection dispels
Myth #1: There is little or no cost to Christianity.
Truth: Salvation is free, but it isn't cheap.
Myth #2: People are basically good and surely a loving God will accept everyone into His heaven.
Truth: We are sinners, fallen from grace, lost and in need of a Savior.
Myth #3: Some believe it would be impossible to save them.
Truth: If you believe Jesus rose from the dead, that means your sins can be forgiven.
Myth #4: Jesus was just a great spiritual leader.
Truth: Jesus was declared with power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead. (Romans 1:4)