John 9:35-41
Jesus didn't answer “how,” He answered “why.”
a. A new believer is thrust into a new exciting world.
b. A new believer needs to be cared for and properly nurtured.
2. Believing is a lot like taking a drink. (John 4)
a. You first acknowledge that you need Him.
b. It isn't the water that quenches your thirst, it is the drinking of it.
3. Believing is a lot like walking. (John 5)
It is up to us to take advantage of all that God has done for us.
4. Believing is a lot like eating. (John 6)
a. To believe in Christ is to partake of Him.
b. He becomes a part of who you are.
5. Believing is a lot like seeing. (John 9)
Faith doesn't ask “how,” it answers “why.”
6. Believing is a lot like opening a door. (John 10)
Believing is necessary to enter in where God is.