Luke 2:15-20

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1. Caesar's decree
Christmas is a world-wide decree to consider our origins.
2. Worship in a stable
calf- worshiped for centuries by pagans
donkey- worshiped as an idol by the Greeks
lamb- points to Lamb of God, the substitute sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Shepherds- humble enough to recognize the signs of the Savior, ready enough to act on them
3. Peace on earth
There is nothing we can do in our human condition to solve the strife that exists between God and man.
There is also nothing man can do to bring lasting peace in this world.
Only God can bring peace on earth.
4. Giving of Gifts
Like the Magi, we can respond to God in a tangible, visible way through giving.
The best gift you can give God is the real self that you might tend to withhold.