Ephesians 4:7-11
a. Our unity does not mean uniformity.
b. We are saved by grace and we are gifted by grace.
c. Wiersbe- a spiritual gift is a “God-given ability to serve God and other Christians in a way that Christ is
glorified and believers are edified.
d. Spiritual gifts are not human talents or natural abilities.
e. They come to us through the New Birth.
2. Every Spiritual Gift Comes from Jesus. (8-10)
(Psalms 68, 24:7-10)
Our spiritual gifts are the spoils of the victory Christ has won on our behalf.
3. Every Church is Gifted With Spiritual Leaders. (11)
a. apostles
b. prophets
c. evangelists
d. pastors and teachers
e. “episkopos” = overseer
f. “presbuteros” = elder
If you don't know what your gifts are, you can only find out by giving of yourself and seeing what God does with what you give.