John 1:43-51
- Salvation is about finding and getting found.
1. Anyone who brings someone to Jesus is an evangelist. (45)
Philip was approachable, likable and sincere.
Philip was not a leader; he was much more the follower.
You don't have to be a leader in the Church to be greatly used of God.
First impression of Nathaniel
Skeptical, doubtful and unbelieving, but not the hateful prejudice it is sometimes made out to be. (46)
2. Discipleship in Christ means growing in the bond of friendship in the Christian body.
It is easier to serve Him when you have someone to stand beside you.
3. A true disciple is one who seeks the mind and heart of Christ. (47)
If we were a little more transparent, it would be easier for others to see Christ in us.
Because Nathaniel came and saw for himself, new doors of understanding were opened up for him. (50-51)