Matthew 12:22-24, 33-37
The unpardonable sin is a sin committed with words.
vs. 32 “Anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”
The attitude of hardening your heart will be revealed in your words.
2. Change the attitude of your heart.
vs. 34 “For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.”
The sin is not so much the words you speak, but rather what is in your heart that caused you to speak them.
It's an operation you can't perform on yourself.
3. Engage your mind before your mouth.
Avoid those things that allow you to vent your anger and frustrations, and then regret it later.
vs. 36 “Men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.”
Worry about the state of your heart first, and the words you say will simply be what pours out from your heart.