Mark 14:27-38; 66-72
1. Boasting in his flesh (27-31)
Peter's problem was not insincerity, it was ignorance.
Jesus said, “Without Me, you can do nothing.”
2. Peter prayed too little. (32-42)
Our failure in prayer is a product of cultivation.
It is more important to talk to God about men, then it is to talk to men about God.
3. Peter acted too soon. (43-51)
Anger, mixed with fatigue, can lead to serious mistakes.
Like Peter, we are active when we should be passive, and passive when we should be active.
4. Peter thought too little, too late. (66-72)
Questions we must ask: 1. How does this line up with what the Scriptures teach?
2. What will the consequences be if I disobey the Lord?
Peter's failure was not fatal.