Revelation 20:10-15
whole concept of separation from God
graces of God in the fallen world
a. beauty of creation
b. working of the Holy Spirit
c. influence of Christians
d. power of prayer
e. common grace of God
2. Hell is Necessary.
It is not our unbelief that condemns us to hell.
We stand condemned because of our sin.
Disbelief is rejecting the way out that God has provided. (Romans 5:6-9)
In order for there to be justice, hell is necessary.
(Romans 8:3-4)
If you're born once, you die twice.
If you're born twice, you die once.
3. Hell is Permanent.
First resurrection- (Revelation 20:5-6
Second resurrection – bodies of unbelievers are raised.
False views of the destiny of the unsaved
1. annihilation
2. probation
(Revelation 20:10; Matthew 25:46; Hebrews 9:27; Luke 16:26)
The fear of hell may not be the best reason to give your life to the Lord, but it is a valid one.