Ephesians 4:14-16
1. Elephantiasis -when one part of the body is too large in proportion to the rest of the body.
vs. 11- individual parts of the body are working properly.
2. Atrophy- not enough activity to keep the body built up.
vs. 12- Our work of service must be continued.
3. Fractures- when one member of the body breaks away from the rest of the body
vs. 13- Unity has a lot to do with maturity and knowledge.
4. Arthritis- when bones grind against each other
vs. 15-16- Love is the gristle for that abrasiveness
5. Cancer â A malignant mass invades and destroys unless it is completely removed
âvs. 17-21- callousness to sin must be removed or the Body of Christ will die.
6. Gangrene- a certain part of the body is infected to the point where nutrition in interfered with.
v. 22-24- a useless member may even have to be amputated.
Cures for the diseases
1. Elephantiasis- (25)- an honest evaluation of the Body
2. Atrophy- (28) Stop stealing! An atrophic church cannot become strong unless everyone works at it.
3. Fractures- (26) If members guard their speech, many fractures can be healed.
4. Arthritis â (26) Callousness can be melted away through the process of repentance and forgiveness.
5. Gangrene â (31) There are things that must be gotten rid of.
Most diseases can be avoided with proper health care.
But when they happen, then can be dealt with when you have the proper treatment.