Matthew 27:35-44
Divisions of the Easter story
1. Roman soldiers divided up Jesus' clothes.
Centurion's conclusion: This was the Son of God
others: gambled with their own eternal destiny
2. Two criminals were divided.
“True repentance is never too late, but late repentance is seldom true.”
3. The curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom.
What had been the divider was now divided.
The crucial decision to be made are about what happened after Jesus died.
It determines whether someone just bought you a gift, or whether you have received it and opened it.
4. Dividing the truth
a. the women remembered His words
b. on the road to Emmaus: Jesus divided the bread, the men divided the truth
c. the disciples: went forth and preached the gospel of Christ.
d. us: because Jesus has risen, we can crucify the old nature and walk in newness of life.