John 11:25-27
Do YOU believe this? Don't leave here this morning without having answered that question for yourself!
2. It is a Pointed question.
Do you BELIEVE this? It is possible to conform to the truth of the gospel without ever being transformed by it.
3. It is a Precise question.
Do you believe THIS? True faith must rest on objective truth.
a. His claim about His Deity.
(I am the resurrection and the life.) John 1:1-3, 14; Colossians 1:15
b. His claim about Death.
(even though he dies) Amos 4:12; Hebrews 9:27
c. His claim about Destiny
(he will live)
d. His claim about Deliverance
(whoever believes in Me shall never die)
three possible responses
- He was divine.
- He was deceptive.
- He was demented.
As He did for Lazarus, this same Jesus calls us out of spiritual death and darkness into a brand new life with Him.