Revelation 2:18-29
Description of Christ (18)
eyes like blazing fire (Jeremiah 16:17; Hebrews 4:13)
Christ's appraisal is piercing.
feet of bronze- often used to speak of judgment
Commendations (19)
1. They were a loving church.
2. They were a serving church.
3. They were a faithful church.
4. They were a growing church.
Rebuke (20)
They tolerate that woman Jezebel.
They were being misled doctrinally.
A true prophet has authority because his words come from God.
Old Testament Jezebel and Thyatira's false teacher (21-23)
1. Both tried to replace God's authoritative Word with a poor substitute.
2.Both were given opportunity to repent, but refused.
3. Both were condemned by God.
Jezebel's doctrines
1. “something evil could be good.”
2. “hates God's true Word.”
3. “deludes people that they are right.”
Promises to the overcomer (26-28)
1. He will give authority over the nations.
2. He will give them the Morning Star.
God expects us to be students of the Word.