Genesis 16:1-10
1. Abraham and Sarah chose expedience over faith. (1-2)
Just because something is socially acceptable does not mean that God approves of it.
God's way is usually not the more convenient way.
2. Since God's way is the best way, any other way is false.
Hagar had a false superiority.
Sarah had a false interest.
Abraham had a false neutrality.
3. The conflict between Sarah and Hagar is symbolic of the spiritual conflict going on for all of us.
We have been cast away from His presence and become nomads without a home.
4. God appeared to the outcast one.
This story is about Jesus and His offer of salvation to sinners. (Galatians 4:22-31)
Ishmael represents man's religion through self-effort.
“born of the flesh”
Isaac- “born of a promise”