Acts 3:1-10
The life of this man is a picture of the tragedy of the human condition.
1. The Spirit-Filled Church Imparts Expectancy. (3-5)
The gospel of Jesus is going to change lives.
2. The Spirit-Filled Church Imparts Healing. (6-7)
What we need is power to touch people's lives with the presence of the living God.
3. The Spirit-Filled Church Imparts Joy. (8)
Havner: “Some dear souls think themselves dignified when really, they are petrified.”
4. The Spirit-Filled Church Imparts Wonder. (9-10)
Two-fold effect: People were convinced that
a. it was God at work
b. this miracle had been done in the name of Jesus.
5. The Spirit-Filled Church Imparts a Witness.
pattern of our witness:
a. God works.
b. Man explains what God did.
c. As a result, God works again.