Esther 4:12-17
a. A young Jewish girl became queen of Persia.
b. Modecai uncovered a conspiracy.
c. Mordecai made an enemy of Haman.
d. God's people in Persia faced total annihilation.
2. Esther threatened her destiny with a protective excuse. (9-11)
There are times in each of our lives when God calls us to put aside that instinct to protect ourselves.
3. Mordecai clarified Esther's destiny with a loving challenge. (12-14)
God's plan cannot be thwarted by our disobedience.
If you believe in a sovereign God, then it is probably not a coincidence that you have been placed in this
4. Esther fulfilled her destiny by sacrificial obedience. (15-17)
results of Esther's obedience
a. The Jewish people were rescued.
b. Justice was served. Haman and his ten sons were hanged.
c. Many Persians became Jews.
d. Mordecai was honored and left a lasting legacy.
e. The Feast of Purim was established.