Deuteronomy 13:1-4
Tests to see if you love God
1. Keeping His Commandments(John 14:15)
Keeping the commandments was never enough to save us, only enough to condemn us.
If you really love God, then you can no longer enjoy sin.
2. Our service to Him (Deuteronomy 10:12)
God can best use you when you serve Him out of your love for Him, and not for the benefits you receive.
3. Whether or not you express praise to Him.
If we do acknowledge Him, then our praises will fill our mind and His ears.
4. Your love for others. (I John 4:20)
The closer you are to God, the more intense is your awareness of other people and their needs.
5. You will accept Christ (I John 5:1, John 14:21)
You can't love God without loving Jesus.