James 1:12-16
5. reward
4. hope
3. character
2. perseverance
1. suffering
The downward scale (James 1)
1. think sin
2. want sin
3. do sin
4. pay for sin
The first temptation is to think that God tempts us.
1. Satan can make us “think” sin because it always comes very natural to us.
“II Corinthians 10:5 “...... take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2. Lust is crossing the line between thinking sin and wanting sin.
The new nature does not enjoy sinning.
3. Jesus conquered death's power over us, but that didn't change the power of sin.
4. We pay for our sins in lots of ways.
Often your choices begin with a trial you are going through.
You can have victory over sin because Christ has won the victory for you!