Hosea 7:6-10
thunders pleads
disloyalty dislove
social sin spiritual sin
universal national
wrath love
children from the marriage
Jezreel = “God scatters”
Lo-Ruhamah = not loved”
Lo-Ammi = “not my people”
Steps of decline
1. lack of true knowledge (4:6)
2. pride (5:5)
3. instability (6:4)
4. worldliness (7:8)
5. corruption(9:9)
6. backsliding (11:7)
7. idolatry (13:2)
Lessons from Hosea and Gomer
1. God suffers when His people are unfaithful.
2. God will not condone sin in any form by anybody.
3. God is actively concerned in restoring the sinner and seeking him out.
4. God's love for the sinner is not diminished by the fact that the sinner sins.
“half-baked faith”
1. orthodoxy without life
2. piety without principle
3. religion without morality
4. zeal without knowledge
5. enthusiasm without faithfulness
6. desire without decision