I Corinthians 11:18-34
1. Meeting in individual homes and sharing communion helped to personalize the gospel.
2. Meeting in this fashion maximized the participation of all members.
3. The church made little separation between their secular and sacred lives.
II. Weaknesses of the Corinthian church
1. Divisions (18)
2. Self-centeredness (21)
3. Irreverence (27)
4. Compromise (29)
III. Guidelines to overcome weaknesses
1. Look back.
Christ is our Passover
2. Look in. (28)
Communion is a time for self-examination.
3. Look up. (20)
God is our host.
4. Look around. (29)
There is a horizontal dimension to the Lord's Supper.
5. Look forward. (26)
We proclaim the Lord's death until He comes.
6. Look outward.
The proclamation is a witness to others and to one another.