II Peter 1:16-21
The Bible is the inerrant Word of God Almighty and the authority for our lives.
How can we trust that the Bible is true?
1. Power of Witnesses (16-18)
All this is coming from those who were actually there. (I John 1:1-3
2. Prophecy of the Word (19)
If you stand on the certainty of Scripture, you will be going against the tidal wave of moral relativism in our society.
The Bible is a light that shines in a dark place. (John 3:19-20; John 1:5, Isaiah 60:1; Revelation 22:16; II Corinthians 4:6)
3. Proof of writings (20-21)
Scripture is not made up by men. “What was ultimately written was exactly what God wanted written.”
Steps we must take:
- Need the Word
- Read the Word
- Feed from the Word
- Heed the Word
- Seed the Word