Proverbs 3:5-6
You need to trust God when
1. Things happen that you don't understand.
vs, 5- “lean not on your own understanding”
Life will throw you curve balls!
options: a. give up
b. hang in there
illustrations: Abraham and Sarah
airplane pilot
You don't have to understand. You only have to trust.
2. You are faced with a decision.
vs. 6- “in all your ways acknowledge Him”
Leaving God out on one area of your life can lead to the destruction of the other areas.
Deciding that you are not going to do things God's way is the same thing as saying you don't trust Him.
3. When the future seems uncertain.
vs, 6 “He will make your paths straight”
This isn't saying He will make your life easy; it means He will make your life focused.
God makes your paths straight by giving you a sense of identity.
illustration: parachute- you have to jump first.
The path set before us is unclear. But there is Someone who knows the way.
Trust and obedience go hand in hand.