II Corinthians 5:1-10
Spiritual death- soul separated from God
Two divisions of Hades
1. Sheol- place for the wicked dead
2. Paradise- for those who had trusted in God for forgiveness
faith is “reckoned” as righteousness.
1. Life after death is immediate. (5:8)
a. When the body dies, there is still consciousness.
1. Glorified body- from time of death until resurrection.
2. Resurrected body- after Jesus returns
b. Once we are born again, we spend our lives with Jesus.
2. Life after death is not final. (I John 3:2)
We will be ever increasing in knowledge, wisdom, love, faith and hope.
Crowns- perhaps refers to responsibilities, privileges and authority given to us as rewards.
3. Life after death is social.
We will recognize and know our loved ones.
Every social need we have is going to be fulfilled.
Bible's revelation of heaven - “a reverent restraint.” (II Corinthians 2:7-14)