I Peter 2:4-8
Greek and Hebrew = to prostrate, to fall or bow down
lessons from Bible history
1. Public worship and private worship must be merged together.(Before the institution of the Temple)
We are individual stones being built up as a single house. (2:5)
We come together for worship, not out of our emptiness, but out of our fullness.
2. There are reasons for ceremonial worship.(after the Temple was established)
a. it is a great teaching tool
b. there is a form of worship in just simply doing what God tells us to do
c. you can also see what it means not to worship in spirit and truth
3. Worship takes place in the form of instruction.(after the Temple was destroyed)
Everything we do in a worship service can be a tool of instruction.
4. Worship is a commemoration of the resurrection of Christ.(New Testament worship)
They started meeting on the first day instead of just the seventh day.
Changes in history seemed to add on to what had been done before.