I Corinthians 1:26-2:5
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Morley- two “you's.” the visible you and the real you
1. God can use inadequate people in great ways. (1:26-31)
The Gospel is diametrically opposed to the culture we live in.
God has chosen the weak to put the strong in their place.
2. Paul points to himself as proof. (2:1-5)
God loves to use people who are ordinary, imperfect and inadequate.
Other examples or illustrations
- Ethiopian eunuch
- Good Samaritan
- Roman centurion
- 1st century view of women
There's no room for prejudice, or haughtiness or snootiness in the Church. There's also no room for self-loathing.
When we belong to Christ, we are brought into the light, and our sin becomes a part of the shadows.
There is no one here more deserving of God's grace than you are. There is no one here more usable for His kingdom than you can be.