John 17:6-19
1. Jesus prays that His followers be kept in grace.
a. they are identified as belonging in Christ. (6-8)
b. they be separated from the world. (9)
c. they be protected from evil. (11)
2. Jesus prays that they would remain in joy. (13-15)
He prayed this, knowing the persecution His followers would face.
3. Jesus prays they would be consecrated for service. (17)
Jesus prepared His followers to receive salvation from their sins, but also to take the gospel to the world.
There is a connection between revelation and consecration.
Application to us
Havner- “We are not to be isolated, but insulated.”
God may allow us to face very difficult things, but He is right beside us all the way.
The test of joy is how you react when things are tough.
Jesus went to the cross so that you would be free to serve God.