Joshua 7:1-5
We are all born into sin, born with sinful natures, because of the one sin of Adam and Eve. (Romans 5:12-19)
Results from disobedience to God
1. Disobedience impairs discernment.
truths distorted by sin
a. No one is exempt from obedience.
b. Admission is not the same as confession and repentance.
c. Sin begins in the mind before it extends to the heart, then moves to your behavior. (James 1:14-15)
2. Disobedience affects others.
Achan's one sin spread to and affected, Joshua himself, the Israelite elders, the Israelite army, and all of Achan's family.
My sin hurts you. Your sin hurts me.
3. Disobedience demands discipline.
God has one plan for dealing with sin and it is death.
Once the punishment was administered, then God turned from His anger.
It took Jesus taking the harshest of penalties for God to turn from His anger toward sinful humanity.