Hebrews 10:19-29
1. Commitment to a personal spiritual life (19-23)
a. public profession of your faith, buried with Christ in baptism
b. including the Lord in your home and family life
vs. 22- “let us draw near to God”
2. Commitment to relationships within the Body of Christ (24)
a. accountability (spur one another on)
b. love
c. good deeds
The horse will respond to the spurring of the rider who loves horses much more than an angry
rider who wants to get somewhere fast.
3. Commitment to supporting the organism of the church (25)
The primary way to keep these promises is to be here!
4. Commitment to behavior fitting a disciple of Christ (26-29)
The way you carry yourself, your actions on the street, your business dealings, your conversations, your recreation, are all to be a testimony of a life that has been changed by Christ's love.