Numbers 27:18-23
Because of Moses' sin, he was not allowed to personally guide the Jews into the Promised Land.
Some people will use their age as an excuse for plain bad behavior.
2. If the work is the Lord's then the work will go on.(27:15-17)
Moses' two requests for the man who will replace him:
1. be chosen by God
2. have a shepherd's heart
a. If our work ceases, thee is a reason for that.
b. God often selects people quite different from the predecessors.
c. When God removes, God replaces.
d. Moses supported God's choice both publicly and privately.
3. There comes a time when it's time to go.(Deuteronomy 34:1-5)
Moses may not have felt like he was ready to die, yet it was time for him to die.
a. Death comes to us all.
b. There comes a time for other things in our life to come to an end.
c. We may have no control over endings, but we do have control over how we live.