Joshua 5:13-6:5
God does not come to take sides, He come to take over.
Unless you are acting under the Lord's authority, you will be defeated.
2. God's methods are not man's methods, but God's methods are always right. (6:3-9)
This was not the Israelites' battle, but the Lord's.
It is tempting to question what God is telling us to do.
3. The best way to hear from God is to be quiet. (6:10)
Things done in silence and anonymity prepare the way for God to do what He wants to do.
4. Victory is our if we do not quit. (6:16)
The things that honors God and God delights to honor is obedience. ( Heb. 11:30; I Sam. 15:22; Gal. 6:9)
5. Do not be fooled. A day of judgment is coming. (6:17, 20)
The Canaanites had been given four generations to accept the one true God. (Genesis 15:16)
Judgment will come for unbelievers of this present age. (II Peter 3:3)