Matthew 2:1-12
Reactions to Christmas
1. Herod was troubled. (3)
However leaders react is going to set the pace for how others are going to react.
Little things we think don't matter can eventually ruin our lives.
Some are troubled by Christmas because they fear the challenge of discipleship.
2. The reaction of the Jewish religious leaders was that of indifference. (5-6)
They didn't see this Jesus as having anything to do with them.
People today are indifferent because they fail to apply the things they know and have heard to themselves.
3. The Wise Men reacted with worship. (11)
a. their worship was urgent- not something that can be put off for another time.
b. their worship was humble- the only appropriate response is to put our dignity and reputations on the line for Jesus.
c. their worship was generous- the Christmas gift He's always wanted is the gift of yourself.
d. their worship was joyful- in many ways, how you react to Christmas is how you react to Christ.