Luke 19:28-44
biblical concept of a kingdom
1. realm or territory over which a monarch reigns- “where I rule” -the Place
2. the People over which a monarch reigns - “who I rule”
3. the actual rule itself- “the way I rule” the Purpose
All three are “already, but not yet.”
definition of the kingdom of God: The kingdom of God is the sovereign rule of God through Jesus Christ for the purpose of defeating His enemies, consisting of a people over whom He reigns and a realm in which to experience that reign.
The kingdom already here is a spiritual kingdom.
The kingdom that is not yet will be a physical kingdom.
Examples: Transfiguration – Jesus was seen in all His glory and majesty, yet it was not time for that glory to be manifested to more than a few.
Palm Sunday- the people were openly acknowledging that Jesus was God and that salvation comes from Him, yet Jesus grieved for the suffering He knew His people would have to endure before His kingdom would be completed.
Already: Jesus is alive and lives within us
Not yet: Satan will be completely destroyed and God's rule will be unquestioned.