(I Peter 1:13-16)
living right.
The problem is not so much of wanting to be holy as it is winning the battle to be holy.
Holiness begins in your mind.
1. Preparation - “prepare your minds for action. (13)
Thousands of events and images attempt to influence the way you think.
Be careful to prevent the garbage from entering your mind, and take action to fill your mind with the Word of
2. Separation- “be self-controlled” (13)
If we are intoxicated by the world, then we live by our emotions and we will not be able to make good
We detach ourselves from our emotions, so they don't have the power to control us, just as we detach
from our possessions.
3. Concentration – “set your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you” (13)
“charis”- kindness shown to one who is undeserving
God shows kindness to us, not because we are good, but because He is good.
We cannot learn to live holy until we take our eyes off ourselves and concentrate on God.