Zechariah 3:3-8
1. 1:8-11 relatively tranquil condition
The peace of Christ enables us to do the work of the Lord without fear of opposition.
2. 1:18-21 horns=symbols of power and strength
Whatever kingdoms or empires might arise, only the kingdom of God will survive.
3. 2:1-5 The dimensions of the city will one day expand.
We should place our concentration on the work of the Lord and let Him decide about expanding the dimensions of His Church.
first 3 visions- political ramifications
next 5 visions – spiritual aspect
“the Branch” reference to the Messiah
4. 3:1-5 Satan accuses Joshua.
When we place our faith in Christ, we are given a brand new wardrobe.
5. 4:2-13 Olive Oil=the Holy Spirit
lampstand= the Word of God
Jesus came for spiritual purposes- to seek and save the lost.
6. 5:1-3 the flying scroll- purification from wickedness that comes though an atoning sacrifice
7. 5:5-11 woman in the basket- sin being carried away back to Babylon
God not only forgives our sin. He removes it from us.
8. 6:1-8 four chariots parted the earth
The Lord has received the sacrifices and provides protection for all who trust in Him.
We don't need the temple sacrifices anymore. We have Jesus!