Revelation 3:7-13
1. Evangelistic sense (Revelation 3:20)
2. Door of Salvation (John 10:9)
3. Door of Opportunity (Colossians 4:3)
Description of Christ for the church of Philadelphia
1. Holy
2. True
3. Holds the key of David (Isaiah 22:20)
Christ is the new Eliakim
Reasons for opportunity (commendation)
1. Weakness (actually a compliment)
2. Commitment to Scripture
3. Unwavering faith
Exhortation- Keep up the good work.
Opportunity and Opposition go hand in hand.
1. to humble their enemies and open their eyes up to the truth. (9)
2. to keep them from the hour of maximum trials. (10)
3. Strength and Security (11-12)
4. New name representative of our character (12)
New names
1. name of God
2. name of the city of God
3. name no one knows
Jesus has an open door for you.