II Kings 7:1-9
1. famine
2. leprosy
Observations about our salvation
1. God is insulted by our mistrust of Him. (king's officer) (vs. 2)
If God says something, you should believe it.
2. The desperation of our condition leads to our deliverance (four lepers) (vs. 3-4)
We must put our destiny in the hands of the One who can control it.
3. The undeserved blessing was due to a battle that was already fought. (Arameans) (vs. 6)
When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, our enemy was defeated and our salvation was bought for us.
4. Upon considering their blessing, they discovered a sense of awareness of the needs of others. (Fellow countrymen) (vs. 9)
When we understand what we've been rescued from, then we realize how selfish it would be to keep silent about that.
5. Don't wait too long to believe. (officer) (vs. 17-19)
Not only may we miss out on the blessings, but also would be judged for our condition of sin and separation
from God.